14 Natural Carbs That Will Help You Lose Weight

Carbs for weight loss? Yes, you heard us right!

Carbs, or carbohydrates, are sugar molecules that play an essential role in a healthy diet by providing many important nutrients. You’ve likely been told for years that you’ll need to cut carbs if you want to lose weight. While this is true for certain types of carbs (typically those laden with sugar and fat such as potato chips, soda, and gummy candies), there are plenty of healthy carbs that can actually help you along on your weight loss journey. In fact, carbs are an absolutely essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Here are 14 of the best healthy carbs for reducing your weight:


Barley is one of the world’s oldest superfoods. It is packed with fiber that can keep your tummy fuller for longer. Research recommends that consuming barley-based foods, even for a short period of time, can stimulate hormones in the gut that help synchronize metabolism and appetite. Make an attempt to include barley into your diet, either as barley water or by tossing it through salads and soups.

Whole-Grain Bread

Whole grains — yes, even bread — are the healthiest pick for your weight loss. Whole grain means whole kernel – the bran, germ, and endosperm – which makes them highly nutritious. A Penn State study revealed that persons who intake whole grains for 12 weeks while maintaining a lower calorie diet reduced their waistline more than those who were given processed grains. According to Harvard researchers, the inclusion of whole-grain bread in your diet may help extend your life by protecting you from heart disease as well.


Chickpeas are rich in fiber and protein, thus promoting weight loss by keeping you fuller for a long time. These properties are also great in aiding digestion and increasing satiety levels.

A Canadian study concluded that consuming pulses can put a full stop to overeating and help maintain weight in control. The pulses that the study was based on included chickpeas, beans, peas, and lentils. Chickpeas can be included in your diet in a variety of ways. One such recipe is by Shira Lenchewski, a registered dietician in Los Angeles. She suggests tossing chickpeas with some olive oil and your favorite spices, then roasting them at 375°F for 40 minutes in your oven for a filling snack.

Green Peas

Peas are not only rich in protein and fiber that keep you full, but they are also an excellent source of zinc which has been connected with higher levels of the satiety hormone leptin.


Quinoa is considered to be the “mother of all grains” because it contains almost double the amount of protein and fiber when compared to its alternatives. The protein in quinoa also contains amino acids that support muscle development. Quinoa is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc which in turn reduce type 2 diabetes, aid in the proper functioning of blood cells, and prevent insomnia.


When you add this party snack as a part of your balanced diet, it helps pave the way to an effective weight loss journey. Popcorn is loaded with fiber and whole grains – and not to mention, it’s delicious and fun to snack on! From one study, it is reported that people who snacked on popcorn were more content than those who ate potato chips. The study speculates that this may be because popcorn is low in calories, fat, and sugar.

Black Beans

Black beans are often touted as a superfood, and that’s actually a very well-deserved label. They are, of course, gluten-free and plant-based. Black beans contain a lot of soluble fiber, which has been demonstrated to lower visceral fat that is notorious for being the cause of an enlarged waist as well as more serious effects like a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases, and even some cancers.

Sweet Potatoes

Are you a fan of sweet potatoes? Chances are, you answered yes! This is because these brightly-colored root vegetables are not just yummy, but they are also packed with vitamin A, minerals, and plant compounds called phytonutrients. Sweet potatoes are also fat-free, rich in fiber, and low in calories and sodium when compared to white potatoes.

Sweet potato has roughly 27 grams of carbs, but don’t let that deter you – studies have shown that they boost levels of the hormone adiponectin, which helps manage blood sugar and improves the efficiency of your metabolism.


Pears are a fruit that are weight loss friendly fruit thanks to the combination of being low in calories, as well as being high in fiber and water content. Pears aid in digestion and help fight constipation. A study conducted in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that individuals who consumed 30 grams of fiber daily without making many alterations in their diet had lost almost five pounds in a year. When compared to other fruits, including apples, pears contain a lot more fiber in a single serving. A medium-sized pear packs around six grams of the stuff.


Oatmeal is full of goodness and has a reputation for being a belly-warming comfort food, says Lenchewski. Oats’ multiplex carbs keep you full for longer, due to which you are less likely to overeat. When coupled with fruit and nuts, oats can be a healthy and balanced breakfast full of nutrition when you are trying to lose weight. Rolled or steel-cut oats are the most nutritious and filling form of oatmeal to include in your diet.

Brown Rice

If you want your body to have a whole lot of good, then it’s time to make the shift from white to brown rice. Incorporating brown rice into your diet will provide you with a number of benefits from a healthy dose of fiber, to magnesium, antioxidants, and vitamin B-6 – all while filling you up.


Teff- a staple food of the African Nation, is a tiny grain rich in protein. Because of its gluten-free nature, it is becoming more and more popular among Americans. It not only provides a splendid set of nutrients but it has also been linked with a wide range of benefits, including enhanced circulation, improved weight loss, better bone health, and more.


Have you ever heard about Kamut? The primeval Egyptian grain has a buttery flavor and is stuffed with heart-healthy fats, holding more fiber when compared to wheat, and is filled with a slew of nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, and zinc. Including Kamut in your diet can aid in digestion, support bone, and the immune system, promote brain function and even lower cholesterol, and as well as helping shrink your waistline.

Acorn Squash

Acorn Squash contains polyunsaturated fat which acts as a beneficial source for weight loss. Plus, it also contains very few sugar molecules, which makes it the perfect addition to a low-carb diet. An entire squash is accountable for only 172 calories and is packed with calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.