How To Boost Your Immune System

Our bodies’ immune system comprises the bone marrow, spleen, white blood cells, an organ in the neck called the thymus and the skin. Everyday our bodies are besieged by numerous “visitors”. However, not all the “visitors” have good intentions so the immune system functions like the immigration department and sorts out the harmful from the beneficial. There is therefore the need for our immune system to be properly cared for and strengthened for it to effectively carry out its job. This can be done in the following ways:

Proper Nutrition

Taking balanced diet at all times is vital to boosting the immune system. Eating foods that are particularly rich in Vitamin C, E ,zinc and carotenoids regularly, effectively boosts your immune system.Carotenoids are found in foods that are naturally red, yellow or orange-colored such as tomatoes, mangoes

Regular Exercise

Exercise boosts and protects the immune system. However, to derive any benefit from exercise, it has to be regular. The regularity is more important than the intensity and the exercise must be done at least four times a week.

Moderate exposure to Sunlight

Exposing yourself to moderate amounts of sunlight boosts your immune system by increasing the production of gamma globulin and raising the number and effectiveness of the white blood cells, which destroys otherwise harmful germs in your body.

Avoid Stress

Avoidance of stress is one major way of boosting your body’s immunity. While this may seem a tall order for those of us living in the cities, it is however a necessity. You need to take time regularly to unwind, take your time regularly to unwind, take your mind off the stress and the strains of city life. This not only boosts your immune system but also improves your total body health.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the worst depressants of the immune system. It hinders the supply of oxygen to the white blood cells through stains deposited gradually in the lungs, which affect their operations. Living a smoke-free life or stooping smoking altogether boosts the immune system.
A Good Night Sleep.

Now this is something we all need in large in large, regular amounts. It is a most effective, readily available and cheap way of boosting your immune system.

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