How To Stay Active While Working From Home

If you’re like most people, your working environment has changed dramatically in the past few years. Perhaps you used to wake up early and fight traffic to get to work on time. You might have stopped at your favorite coffee shop on the way. Today, most people don’t walk more than a few steps to get to their home office from their bedroom. Having the ability to work from home has many advantages, but it can be challenging to get the proper amount of movement throughout the day. If you work from home, you understand this feeling all too well. Here are three tips to help you move more during the day:

Stand up

Standing up while you work is an easy way to incorporate movement into your workday. Standing up helps increase blood circulation and gives your body a much-needed stretch. Try to stand up during at least one meeting a day or during an unexpected phone call. You might also consider getting a standing desk so you can stand and work comfortably.

Set a timer

Let’s be honest, with a to-do list that keeps growing, the day can easily slip by. You can hold yourself accountable to getting active by setting a timer that goes off every hour. Reminders can help you stick to a routine. Before you know it, you’ll be up before your alarm even goes off!

Take a walk on your lunch break

A lunch break is a sacred time for you to recharge and perhaps binge watch some of your favorite shows. Getting up from your office chair and going to the couch will barely dent your daily step goal. One of the best ways to get exercise and clear your mind is to go for a walk in the fresh air. Sure, sometimes it rains or it’s cold. A short walk on a treadmill can be a great substitute.

Keeping active will make you feel better mentally and physically. Simple lifestyle changes such as these can make a big difference.

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