Living A Healthy Lifestyle: The Basics

Everywhere we look these days, we can find information on what to do to stay healthy. Usually it will be tips on one aspect of healthy living. Sometimes people want to see a simple overall picture. Here are three main basics.

Eating properly

We need to eat regularly and properly, to fuel our bodies so that they can continue to operate normally and produce the energy we need to carry on with our lives. This means eating a balance of the right kind of foodstuffs.

Everyone recommends a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, mixed with a few carbohydrates like potatoes, rice and pasta to ensure we make the insulin our blood needs. Avoid red meat, eat plenty of white and oily fish. Dairy products in moderation are good for keeping up our calcium levels. Saturated fats should be avoided as much as possible. And sweet things kept to an occasional treat that’s cut out altogether to lower our weight.

Taking exercise

It’s important to do two kinds of exercise. While we should try for a minimum of 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise, we need to tone our bodies as well, focusing on specific muscles in different areas. For those who can’t afford a personal trainer, there are numerous exercise videos and DVDs on the market that could help. The best ones combine preparation and maintenance stretching with toning and aerobic sessions.

There are many ways to take aerobic exercise. A brisk 30 minute walk in the fresh air could be all that we need on day one. Another day there might be time to get to the pool and swim 20 lengths. Playing a sport with friends is great fun as well.

Having a Positive Attitude

It’s important to have fun and smile. People who smile a lot are usually healthy. This goes along with having a positive attitude so we can take control of our lives and stay healthy. Believing this is half the battle won.

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