Natural Remedies For Minor Burns

From sunburns to cooking oil, burns are one of the most common household injuries. There are three different variations – 1st degree being the most minor and treatable with natural remedies. They only affect the epidermis, the first layer of skin. Second degree burns are slightly more serious, damaging the second layer, the dermis, and are recognized by blistering and swelling. While third degree burns, which are extremely serious and require medical care, are marked by oozing, yellowish or even blackened skin, and are often times not painful because the nerve endings become so damaged.

Over-the-counter medications are an option to treat minor burns, but there are many natural remedies around the house that can alleviate pain and help to speed the healing process.

Everyone’s first reaction to a minor burn is to run it under cold water. But what next? There are different options, depending on what’s stocked in the refrigerator and kitchen pantry. After ten minutes of cold water (don’t use ice cubes or ice water) vinegar compresses are the easiest choice – douse a towel with cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area. If the smell of vinegar seems repulsive, an alternative solution is to soak cotton balls in either ginger juice, or strong green or black tea, then dab onto the skin. This will provide instant relief and help to prevent blistering. The inside of a banana peel or the flesh of a raw potato will also do the trick. For a fancier soothing application blend a few drops of peppermint oil with wheat germ oil and honey.

After dealing with the initial burn, it is important to keep the area clean and bacteria free. Good antiseptics are tea tree oil and thyme oil. If an infection does set in, wash the area up to three times a day with hydrogen peroxide, then apply an ointment of apple honey. During the healing process make sure to drink plenty of fluids – hydration is crucial to promote circulation and to carry much needed nutrients to troubled areas. Potassium is highly recommended for skin repair, so stock up on bananas, prunes and sweet potatoes. Another alternative solution is a healing herbal tea blend, such as nettles with marshmallow, skullcap and red clover. These herbs act as blood cleansers and pain relieverers. And remember, natural remedies are part of the healing process, but beyond a minor burn be sure to seek medical attention.