Ten Warning Signs Of Kidney Disease

Here at Yatharth Hospital in Noida, our Centre for Renal Sciences ensures the best care for kidney ailments of all kinds. But did you know that you, as a patient, can be on the lookout for the early warning signs of kidney disease? Here are ten signs that you may be developing kidney disease to help you get the best medical care at the earliest opportunity.


This is particularly noticeable in children, but also affects adults too. If you are feeling worn out, drained and lethargic, this can indicate issues with your kidneys. You may find it hard to concentrate, or feel weak and maybe dizzy. People may comment that you look pale or tired. If there is no obvious reason, such as lack of sleep or another illness, this could be a sign of kidney disease.

Poor Appetite

A poor kidney function can lead to you not feeling like you are able to eat much, or not being interested in food at all. When you do eat, you might find that your taste is affected. Familiar tastes may change, or you may not be able to taste much at all. This is due to waste products building up in the body and is a sign you need immediate medical attention.

Weight Loss

Obviously, not eating much can lead to weight loss. But with renal conditions, you might suddenly start losing weight even if you still seem to be eating well. Your body isn’t processing your food correctly, and may not be producing the correct amount of hormones it needs. Any unexplained weight loss should be investigated immediately.

Poor Sleep

A good night’s sleep is vital for a healthy body. So, when your body starts not letting you sleep, you know there’s something wrong. Poor kidney function is often linked to a bad night’s sleep, so make sure you mention any change in sleeping pattern to a medical practitioner as soon as possible.

Bad Skin

Kidneys are designed to flush the toxins out of our bodies, and when they don’t work properly, those toxins start to affect us in many ways. One common way is that our skin reacts, and can become dry, itchy and even flaky. If drinking plenty of water and moisturizing doesn’t seem to be helping with dry, itchy skin conditions, this could be a symptom of a chronic kidney problem.

Muscle Cramps

We’ve all had cramps from time to time, and all know how aggravating they can be. A muscle suddenly tightening for no reason can be quite alarming, not to mention painful. Normally cramps are caused by minor mineral deficiencies or lack of sleep, but when cramps become regular, it may indicate a deeper issue. Frequent cramps, particularly in the leg, may be an early warning sign of kidney problems.

Shortness of Breath

Feeling out of breath or breathless may also be an early sign of kidney disease. If you suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties, this may not be as obvious to you. Keep an eye out for any changes in your condition, and report them to your doctor.

Swollen Ankles and Feet

The kidneys are part of the body’s system for ensuring the right amount of water and sodium is removed from the body. When they don’t work, excess water causes swelling, particularly in the ankles and feet. In fact, renal difficulty is the most common cause of swollen ankles and feet, so definitely get this checked out.

Urinating More or Less Often

When your kidneys don’t work properly, you may not get rid of as much water as needed, or you may get rid of too much. Either way, any changes in how often you are urinating, with no changes in diet or liquid consumption, should be investigated as early as possible.


Feeling sick or actually vomiting can be indicative of many medical conditions and is a sign of possible advanced kidney disease. If you often feel nauseous or vomit without reason, see a doctor immediately.

If any of these symptoms are bothering you, we are here to help. Contact Yatharth Hospital in Noida and get in touch with one of our renal care consultants today and set your mind at rest.