Ten Ways To Sleep Longer Through The Night

We all need it! It’s one of the world’s most precious commodities and we’re not talking about money. We are talking about sleep and the ten ways you can make your sleep cycle last longer. Sleep is the equivalent of time and time is money, so who doesn’t want more of it. Simply getting enough sleep, can have a surprising range of health benefits, from preventing heart disease to sharpening your memory and judgment. Aside from the obvious improvements to your health, sleep is also a natural hormone regulator.

Melatonin and cortisol are two of several other hormones that are released during REM sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that is responsible for sleeping and waking regulation, it decreases your body temperature and respiration rate allowing you to slowly drift off into bliss. Meanwhile, cortisol is the hormone responsible for helping the body respond appropriately to stress, its levels increase during the morning hours to help your body wake up.

Both of these hormones are very important in sleep regulation, but when you fail to get enough sleep you can disrupt your natural sleep cycle. This will increase cortisol levels, shortening the amount of time you have to sleep, with that said, here are ten effective methods you can use to sleep longer.

10 Ways to Sleep Longer

Spend less time on your phone at night

This one may be the hardest to implement, which is why it is first on the list. Your phone emits a blue light which is great bamboozling your circadian rhythm into thinking it is still day, which in turn reduces the amount of melatonin being released.

Stick to regular sleeping and waking times

Your body functions like clockwork, meaning you have to set regular alarms for when you’re going to sleep and when you’re going to wake. Having consistent times in sleeping and waking will help improve the quality of sleep.

Do NOT drink before bed

If you have a drink just before bedtime, you will wake up later in the middle of the night having to pee. This will disrupt your sleep cycle.

Make your room comfortable for sleeping

Close the blinds, find a comfy pillow and blanket and float away to dreamland.

Exercise regularly

Get in some exercise to tire yourself out, but not too close to bedtime.

Out of sight out of mind

Put all distractions such as clocks outside of the bedroom, they will remind you of responsibility and you’ll end up waking up early.


Reading before bed can tire your eyes out making easier to fall asleep.

Create a night time routine

Your brain lives for following patterns.

Avoid smoking

Nicotine can affect the sleep cycle.

See a doctor if need be

If you truly can’t find a simple solution to sleep troubles try seeing a doctor for further advice. Follow some of these tips and you may be able to achieve a full night’s sleep.

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