Tips To Wake Up On Time In The Morning

Do you find it hard to get up on time in the morning? Are you one of those people who would rather just keep hitting snooze? Have you over slept and missed something important? Here are five easy ways to get out of bed when you want in the morning.

Drink less caffeine

It takes longer than you think for caffeine to work its way out of your system. Try not drinking any caffeinated drinks after 5pm.

Place your alarm clock away from your bed

Often you can turn your alarm off without even properly waking up. If you have a loud, constant alarm somewhere out of reach, by the time you’ve turned it off you’re already awake and upright, which is half of the battle!

Open your curtains or blinds before you go to bed.

Humans are naturally attuned to sunlight, and your brain wants to sleep when it is dark and wake when it is light. If sunlight can stream into your room in the morning you are more likely to wake up and feel alert.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day

Your body has a natural rhythm, and you should be using this to your advantage. Once you are programmed to wake up at your desired time you will do so feeling refreshed and ready to go. This leads to the last tip…

Go to bed earlier

It seems obvious and a little bit stupid, but it really is the best piece of advice. Most people need about 8 hours of sleep to completely feel the benefits. Growing teens can need even more. Getting less (or more) than this will generally cause you to feel tired in the morning.

Hopefully these tips should give you some ideas about how to wake up and get up in the morning so that you can tackle your day with mental alertness and physical vitality. As with most things, it is also important to eat well and get plenty of exercise to get a good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams!